3 Steps to Living a Fear-Free Life

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Throughout my Law of Attraction Guided Journal, I instruct Kinetic Believers to “Fear Not” many times. Day 57 says:

“Throughout the Universe, there exists the substance of all things hoped for. Researchers identified the quantum field mass upholding all things, providing the Higgs Field theory on July 4th, 2012. Scientists observed the God Particle creating substance and rearranging circumstances according to a universal unchanging bias. Dread, fear, and anxiety are universal sufferings for those who live by what they see, rather than by the faith that every need will be met, according to one’s beliefs.”

Let met tell you, I am serious about us being rid of fear. And in these days, we must join together in the collective consciousness to not allow even an ounce of fear to enter in.

With that in mind, I want to share with you an exercise with three steps to live a fear-free life that I’ve been doing for most of my years as a KB. It’s an exercise that has healed me, prospered me and delivered me from challenges, time after time. Now when I say exercise, it’s just as physical as it is insightfully—spiritual. And by that I mean, get your Journal out because we have work to do.

This exercise is also physical because as I said on today’s Podcast “Instant Freedom from EVERY FEAR”, “You can only combat thoughts with words. Trying to change thoughts with thoughts will never work. We must speak our intentions out loud.” When you do—thoughts are cast down!

1. Start by reading DAY 57 (Out Loud!)

You may have journaled through this day once or maybe even a few times… but this time is different. You are choosing these words to live by, to create by and to thrive by.

You are making your intentions known and fear / anxiety are being drive out of your life.

Now, even though you may not be on this day….journal as only your Higher Self can. You have activated a targeted vision of peace and a life of NO FEAR, now let’s see what higher consciousness has to say about it.

2. Highest Viewpoints (but better)

Highest Viewpoints - we speak them at the end of every podcast, we read them in our journal, but for this exercise we want to create a ‘hot spot’ of highest viewpoints specifically designed to drive out fear in an aggressive, get your back up and know WHO you are—kind of way.

Speak these out loud 5 times throughout the day. You have already ignited your identity by diving into Day 57, now spend the rest of your day speaking this mantra with an emphatic passion, and an inner knowing that you have the creative authority to either give or halt fear’s access into your life.

No fear here. I never hurry or worry. My reality is the only reality and it is filled with peace, joy and prosperity. Fear! Get out of my mind, my body and my mouth. You have no place here. You are not welcome here. I am a Kinetic Believer and nothing will ever prevent me from living a life of transcendent peace on the earth.

Order your copy of Steven’s 100-Day Law of Attraction Guided Journal Today For Yourself or as a Gift for Someone You Love!

3. Finish the Day in Faith


Allow the wisdom of Higher Conscious to lead you in a prayer. This isn’t something I can write for you. When asked, your Genius of Purpose will guide you into an intimate prayer of awareness and awakening. Pause to “feel” this time, pause to feel the sensation of deeply connecting with the Universal voice of Love—free of fear and overflowing with peace.

You can repeat this 3-step Exercise for any topic you find yourself struggling to move through. Replace freedom from fear with healing, relationship restoration, anything you may need is already within. All you have to do is go there, find the peace within your identity that says, “I am”and abundantly thrive as—your true self.

With Much Love & Light,

Steven Canyon


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