The theoretical physicist’s passion is to understand how nature works. Why is water—water? Why do stars shimmer at night and mountains rise? What is thought and where does matter come from? Who are we to speculate about such things anyway?

One of the most extraordinary feats of human awareness is that researchers have actually answered some of these scientific and philosophical questions while questioning nature directly, most famously at CERN. While playing with the worlds largest particle collider to figure out how the smallest particles in the universe behave while being observed, the answers are finding more and more of a consensus with experimental physicists, theologians and philosophers.

The theory of Kinetic Belief represents a major dream of theoretical physicists — a description of all forces and matter in one equation. KB = 1/2 M V². The insight is creating a deep imprint on both physics and the world’s thought disciplines. Like it or not, the intentional manifesting power of Kinetic Belief is here to stay.

Kinetic Belief combines quantum entanglement theory with the law of faith by assuming there are multiple ways to willfully change the universe through observation. With experiential knowledge in quantum theoretical physics, philosophy and religion, Steven founded the universal Law of Kinetic Belief which states:

“There is one substance for all things which fills the interspaces of the universe. The quantum bias of every life form entangles with this substance to advance life. Kinetic Belief is the creative authority of human Beings while having a natural experience to willfully exercise dominion over the substance for advancing the mind, body and soul toward perfected completion.” - Steven Canyon

Anyone can learn to use the power of Kinetic Belief with the authority of their dominion to manifest the life they choose to experience.