6 Reasons Why Your Not Manifesting, What You Desire Most

What do you desire most in your life?

Everyone has something—usually more than one something—that they yearn for, dream about or deeply desire. Most of those desires fall in line with Higher Consciousness—financial prosperity, health, family, Genius of Purpose realized and all-around success. Yet, so many desires go unfulfilled. Why?

You may already know the 5 Kinetic Belief Modalities required to attract your manifestation:

  • Desire

  • Imagination

  • Gratitude

  • Words

  • Action

But, if you’ve been pursuing each of these (and it does take unwavering committment), and still don’t have what you desire most, you might be wondering, What am I missing?

Here, we’re sharing some key hindrances and Kinetic Belief principles to help you discover why you may not have manifested what you desire most, so you can make a change and turn things around!

The issue may be;

1. The Universe Is Not Your ONLY Source 

If you don’t have what you desire most, it’s time to ask some questions.

Who are you relying on to get you what you desire most? Your income? Your connections? The government?

In other words, who or what is your source?

It’s easy to say that the Universe is your Source…warehousing your abundance, but if you suddenly find yourself out of a job—you find out who your source is by the way you respond. If you panic and become stricken with fear, you know you’ve made your job your source. If you’re afraid of losing your job or you search the internet and ask friends for the answer to relationship or health problems, the Universe is not your ONLY source. 

Certainly, the Creator uses many channels to help grow you, but if the Universe, which has been equipped to meet your unwavering expectations for all things, if it's not your ONLY source—the ONLY source you rely on—then your hope is in the wrong place. Without observing Source, it is impossible to demonstrate your commitment to the manifesting power of Kinetic Belief. And only when you trust in your Creators unconditional love for you fully, can you manifest the desires of your purpose, your soul.

The issue may be;

2. You Don’t Dream Beyond the Possible

“All things are possible to those who believe.” – The Book of Mark

Do the things you desire most far exceed what seems possible? Do you allow yourself to believe for things outside what your salary, your circumstances or even your body can accomplish on its own?

There are natural limits to everything here on earth, but the supply of the Universe is limitless!

What if you’re believing for something and two years pass, five years pass, 10 years pass without it? Well, time is passing anyway, isn’t it? You might as well believe for something in the meantime and do so without wondering if it will actually happen.

We were literally created with the same creative power that manifested the Universe into existence…you were fashioned with the exact same creative bias and ability. So dream big, beyond the how, beyond anything you have ever seen and buckle up for a rocket ride into a life beyond your wildest imaginations.

The issue may be;

3. Your Valuation System is Wrong

“It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him.”
Abraham Lincoln

What makes you feel like you have value? Most people have their identity and sense of self-worth attached to something in their life. It can be your appearance, your material belongings or the opinions of others. Many times, people see their value as tied to their profession.

But what happens when those things are no longer there? Who are you? What are you? If tomorrow, you could no longer do what you do professionally, would you lose your sense of value? That’s what happens to pro-athletes and celebrities when they are injured or age. All their identity was wrapped up in what they did, instead of who they are, and if they lose what they do, they don’t know who they are anymore.

When your Original Identity, true Genius of Purpose, the essence of your Highest Being… is your ONLY Source of value, you won’t be insecure. You won’t need lots of compliments and pats on the back. You won’t need to be promoted to feel valuable. That’s because you know that your value was set before you were born.

So, the next time the negative ideas try to bring a thought to you that you’re not worth much, ask, “Who AM I? What gives me value? ” Your ready answer, “I’m of Royalty, Created in the image of a Higher Being,” will put any doubts to rest and boost your manifesting stand.

The economy changes, professions change, but your value never changes. Let your Highest true Self be your ONLY Source of value and your sense of self will be prepared to receive what you desire most, without worry, doubt or fear.

The issue may be;

4. Secretly Relying on an External Source

Some people believe they can’t make it without a particular person—they see that person as their rock. If they lose that person, they don’t feel like they can go on. If that’s how you feel, too much of your heart is given to another person—a place where your truest self should be.

When you have committed your whole-self to Re-Wilding, back to the beginning of you, to align with who you were created to be, you can make it thorough anything because your Rock and the Anchor of your identity is within. After all—you will always be there for you! And the Laws of the Universe are set in place for you to boldly walk on—in alignment with your perfected genius of purpose.

When you purpose to only rely on your Highest Self and align for LIFE with Higher Consciousness, you are positioned to have what you desire most because “if you want to change something or someone…we only need to change our self.”

Watch the video below for an in-depth look at connecting with Higher Source and Synchronizing with Cosmic Consciousness.

The issue may be;

5. Looking for Peace, In all the Wrong Places.

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” —Saint Francis de Sales

We have experienced some trying times recently—and they continue. In times where the norm is shaken or disrupted, you find out who your Source is, who your rock is, where your identity is and where your peace is found.

There are only two directions you can look for what you need and desire—internal or external.

Nothing can substitute your connection to the present moment. Coming into alignment with your Highest Self, in the present moment of NOW is the ONLY way to achieve true and lasting peace.

There are no shortcuts here.

Peace is a substance. It’s also a vital element for manifesting and guarding it, putting pressure on it by protecting it, is part of achieving your dreams and desires.

Kinetic Believers never hurry or worry -

The issue may be;

6. You’re Forgetting to Recognize Manifestations When They Appear

“When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.” - Proverb

The pace at which most of us live is fast, wonderful and intense! Sometimes this can cause us to simply race by a realization that the thing we have been believing for…IT’S HERE!

This goes beyond daily gratitude, and calls us to a heightened awareness. Recognizing the physical manifestations of your journaling and Kinetic Beliefs when they show up, will not only demonstrate to the Universe that you are centered and powerfully expectant…but this works to back up your current beliefs as well.

Do you remember what it was like to walk into your high-school for the first time? Disorienting? Confusing? Directionless? Well as you start to accumulate manifestations, materializing around you, you aren’t a freshmen anymore…you are a sure-footed Kinetic Believer with a lot of experiential success to stand on.

Pausing to consider, appreciate and express gratitude for the awesome work you have already done in alliance with the Universe is an explosive way to move forward into bigger and better things.

It can be challenging to examine your egoist attitudes, and see why you don’t have what you desire most, but the wise are eager to do so because they know it will help them overcome, break through and finally manifest those miracles, those highest desires.

What’s Next? Get ready! You are about to experience some serious breakthrough and it will definitely be more than you ever hoped for or imagined. The Universe will make sure of that!

With Much Light & Love,

Steven Canyon

Order your copy of Steven’s 100-Day Law of Attraction Guided Journal Today For Yourself or as a Gift for Someone You Love!

Order your copy of Steven’s 100-Day Law of Attraction Guided Journal Today For Yourself or as a Gift for Someone You Love!


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