How to Always Live ABOVE & Never Beneath


Always at the top.

Does that describe you? Does it describe your health, your money, your job, your relationships?

It should. The Laws of the Universe tell us that Kinetic Believers should expect to be at the top. Not sometimes—ALWAYS. Yet, far too many KB’s have accepted less. They may believe in seeing a success now and then, but being at the top in everything, always?

There is more to always being on top than just wanting success—to be above only and not beneath. We must see our positioning in life as our becoming one with the ability, one with the strength, for total access to spreading light and love in any way we desire from within.

The Universal desire is for you—living above only and not beneath because it is an expression to the world around you that Kinetic Belief in Oneness with your Higher Being works, that the system of enlightenment for abundance and expansion is real and meant to be.

If you aren’t on top in every area of your life, it’s time to get there. Here’s how you can begin to live above only and not beneath.

1. Look Up, Not Out

“Set your mind on things above…” – Proverb

It’s easy to do.

Financial demands, physical symptoms or disappointments are right there in front of you. Focusing on them and allowing them to be your reality is the natural thing to do. But we aren’t created to be “ego-minded and controlled.” We’re created to look up, not out. We are called to set our minds on things above.

How can we do that?

By remembering that while our natural circumstances shout the loudest, they aren’t in the majority. They’re far outnumbered by the new reality that became ours when we learned to first look within to see how belief really works.

True Kinetic Believers see things differently—peacefully at ease with success. It means living to be an expression of your truth—by living above only—always—and not beneath—ever.

That means when it looks like we’re moving to a beneath position in our finances, we look up, we look to our Guided Journals for our articles of faith, and remember only the highest expectations.

This also means when symptoms of any illness try to convince you otherwise, we immediately look up and remember. And we say, “Nope. Not today,. Not ever! I know my creative power and authority in this Universe and I decide what is allowed into my life and my body.”

2. See Yourself as the Leader, Not the Follower

It’s hard to live above only and not beneath if you don’t see yourself that way. An egoic thought of rejection, inferiority or low self-esteem are all enemies of living at the top. When we let our past experiences or what others have said about us impact how we see ourselves, we push our Higher Being beneath the lessor.

If you come from a long line of people who deal with health issues, you’re going to have to look within to see yourself as strong, healthy and above disease only, not beneath it. If you come from a family that has struggled with poverty, you need to get a new vision of abundance and wealth from the inside of you. If you come from a family who has been plagued by divorce, you’ve got to renew your identity to one of success in your marriage and expect to be in partnership forever. The same is true for any other area where you are in the habit of imagining yourself on the short end of things, rather than standing on top of a mountain as more than a conqueror in the divine Light that is you.

Your lineage here on earth does not define you. When you begin to receive insights that align you with Higher Consciousness, the authority of your Kinetic Belief overrides every programming of negative stories from your past.

It’s time to start seeing the “I” within you as the leader and the “you” the ego, as the follower—when it comes to money, health, relationships, your job, your genius, your business and everywhere in-between.

3. Keep Journaling. You’re Reprogramming.

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

The beauty of understanding the full-length process of manifesting from the quantum field, is that it bears up under our belief with undeniable knowledge.

To live above only and not beneath—at the top and never at the bottom—we must live according to the wisdom of these higher insights. This means if you are identifying with negative expectations, in any way, the awareness won’t save you…it’s your Kinetic Belief founded on true wisdom that will carry you to the top.

We must daily commit to an active awareness of how this process works. Re-establishing our present moment vision through journaling and absolutely refusing to believe the false alternatives.

Obedience to founded wisdom will not only raise you up above the noise and negativity, but keep you there.

4. Talk the Talk.

“The one who guards their lips guards their life, but the one who speaks rashly will come to ruin.” –a Proverb

If you’re living more like you’re a “follower” than the “leader” in any area of your life, it’s time to consider your words. When it comes to being in debt, what are you saying about your situation? Pause, meditate for a moment on that.

Even if you’re up to your eyeballs in debt right now, you can start turning your situation around with your words. Do as Abraham did, and call things that be not as though they were. Say, “I am debt free. My cars are paid off and my house is mine—free and clear. I am ABOVE and not beneath.”

NOW here is the secret ingredient. Don’t say anything else! Don’t turn around and tell your partner how long it’s going to take to pay things off or how you feel like you’ll never get that credit card paid off. Talk like you’re above only, and not beneath. It’s a game changer! This is the essential fourth modality of Kinetic Belief.

Do the same thing with your job. Don’t go around saying, “Well, you know they never do promote people that already work here.” Or “They never do promote people from this department.” See what’s happening…you’ve already positioned yourself beneath.

No one, No thing, No circumstance can place you at a disadvantage in any situation. You decide your placement.

Watch Steven Canyon teach you about exactly How to Get the Universe to Grant Your Wishes.

A final thought…

These are the insights for beginning to live above only and not beneath. The Universe is designed to elevate you to the top. Not in some things, in all things. Not some of the time, but all of the time. Don’t give up on the dream you have. The path has already been cleared for you to live like no one else. All you have to do is believe it!


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