5 Habits of Strong Kinetic Believers

When you establish the 5 habits of strong Kinetic Believers in your life, it will keep you strong, protect you from the negative energetics, and catapult you to VICTORY.

The secret to your future is hidden. It’s not hidden from you, though—it’s hidden for you. You see, your future is up to you. Whatever you have and whatever happens in your life isn’t an accident, or necessarily always “meant to be”—it is in your hands more than you may know.

Where can you find this hidden secret? In your daily routine.

What you do on a daily basis will determine what you have in this life. If you’re investing focus in your ego, the results will never be what you want. But if you invest in your highest self, you will become stronger and stronger. You will get to a place where you confidently stand your ground, resist the ego, and receive more from the universe and the Creator—no matter what comes your way.

You have a decision to make. Is victory important to you?

An empowered daily routine produces dynamic results. If you want to put an end to being defeated or discouraged, or going around the same mountain over and over—it’s time to take your belief to a higher level. When you establish the 5 habits of strong Kinetic Believers in your life, it will keep you strong, protect you from negativity, and catapult you to DAILY SUCCESS.

Habit No. 1: Strong Kinetic Believers Feed Their HIGHEST SELF 

We cannot live on just food for our body—we need food for our highest self, too. A strong KB knows the reality and severity of negative energetics and understands the importance of developing a strong identity to resist those vortices.

How do you feed your spirit?

By Kinetically journaling your beliefs, Every. Day.

Strong KB’s know one snack each week isn’t enough to sustain us. We need daily nourishing meals to stand on top of every resistance…in an expectant, victorious stance.

You must arrange your schedule around the lifestyle of Kinetic Belief, instead of trying to make your identity fit into your busy life.  That means stirring up positive energetics has to become a priority in your life—not something you do in your spare time.

Another way to look at this is, “No Journaling, no breakfast.” I don’t eat breakfast until I feed my higher self with journaling and affirmations every morning.

Habit No. 2: Strong KB’s Build Their Manifesting Capabilities 

Belief is your responsibility. Let’s read that one again…

It isn’t the Universe’s, it isn’t your friend’s, and it isn’t your partner’s. The only one who can guarantee that you enjoy a strong focus of belief and intention is YOU. The Creator has given us the tools we need to develop a robust higher self—and the kind of belief that generates gratitude, enjoyment, enthusiasm, peace…all from within—from the true source.

How do you build that kind of Kinetic Belief? By speaking the truth of your Kinetic Beliefs, by listening to the KB podcasts, journaling, reading, interacting with other KB’s, whatever it takes! Feeding your Higher Self is the seed; hearing it again and again is how you water the seed. Just as with natural muscles, repetition is the key to building strong focus. To build your beliefs, try implementing some of these ideas into your daily routine:

  • As you drive to and from work, stream a podcast or other inspiring teachings.

  • Keep your phone loaded with manifestation and belief-based podcasts. Then, when you work out, go on a walk, or take your lunch break, put in earbuds and feed your Highest Self. (The “I” that want’s the best for you!)

  • Turn on the Kinetic Belief YouTube network in your home as you go about your daily chores. Click here for direct access to the latest content.

As you feed your Higher Self, remember that belief is strengthened by listening, but doubt and depression work the same way. So, what are you listening to? What is the news telling you? What are your friends telling you? Guard the precious positive energetics you’ve sown into your soul by refusing to consume anything contrary.

When you build your Highest Self by listening on a daily basis, truth will come, manifestations will come and then—VICTORY will come. 

Habit No. 3: Strong Kinetic Believers Speak their Truth

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” – a Proverb

Strong KBs speak their Kinetic Beliefs and only Kinetic Beliefs over their lives and the lives of those around them. They know it is often a matter of life and death. And, they don’t intend to waste the power and authority they were created with on anything less.

To get to a place where you speak Kinetic Beliefs over every situation, work on mastering the first two habits. By putting your true identity in your mind on a daily basis, speaking your identity… this will become your knee-jerk reaction to any situation, which means you will react with an automatic, predictable response—YOUR IMMOVABLE, KINETIC BELIEFS.

When a trial comes your way, don’t become the proverbial bump on a log and let negative influences have the final word—talk back! Speak your life as you know it and believe it to be, not as you see it or as it feels.

No matter what you’re faced with, speak healing, speak abundance, speak forgiveness, speak peace. Speak your Kinetic Beliefs again and again and again and again—it will change your life.

Habit No. 4: Strong Kinetic Believers Control Their Thought Life

Is your thought life healthy or toxic? The mind, spirit and body are interconnected— your egoist thoughts, identifying with labels, affect your words, which affect your health, prosperity, joy, peace and every other area of your life. So, it’s worth taking the time to perfect!

As I always say on the Law of Attraction Podcast, we must bring every thought into captivity, begin focusing on what you’re thinking about. When your thoughts wander off to things like, you’re not going to get healed; you’re going to die; you’ll never get promoted; how do you capture thoughts like these and cast them down? You resist them. You answer them. Never let your thoughts go unanswered. Instead, say, “I’m not taking that thought. Observe it. See the thought as something you’re not.”

You can become a master at thought domination by meditating on Your Blueprint, Your Guided Journal, your True Identity. To meditate means you don’t just hear it—you focus on it, contemplate it and give it serious attention. It’s your present tense reality. That’s how you enlarge your capacity for manifestating, and that’s why the most powerful people you will ever meet are those who spend time meditating on their Kinetic Belief Highest Viewpoints.

Habit No. 5: Strong Kinetic Believers Anchor Their Highest Self Through Gratitude

Did you know gratitude is a language? It’s a language of abundance and a language of receiving. A strong Kinetic Believer is fluent in gratitude. That’s why we’re called to speak gratitude IN all things and at all times because no matter what is happening in our lives, we have countless opportunities to demonstrate what we truly believe through our grateful words.

If gratitude is continually in your mouth, does that mean only when things feel perfect? No. That’s easy. Gratitude is an act of your Kinetic Belief. If you believe you receive what you’ve desired—you’ll obviously speak gratitude for it—even if it hasn’t manifested. Gratitude says with enthusiasm, “I know it’s coming.”

Strong Kinetic Believers know there is a connection between gratitude and strength. They know your grateful Highest Self puts you in position to excel and produces enlightened, spiritual strength.

I believe in you! Because as Kinetic Believers we are truly in this together. Our Highest Consciousness is One and we can achieve limitless dreams as we move through our eternal destinies together.

If you were encouraged by these words, pass it on! That is our true mission. To spread acceptance, joy, light and love.

With All of the Above,

-Steven Canyon


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